Monday, July 21, 2008

CELEBRITIES: Oprah, Stedman... and who else?

by Keith Singleton

Los Angeles--Inquiring minds want to know!

According to the National Enquirer, Stedman is not a happy man these days. The reason? As reported by the most respected pop-culture yellow rag in the business, Oprah took another guy on a romantic vacation.

The headline: "Oprah Betrays Stedman. You Cheated!"

Is this true? A picture may speak a thousand words, but is it true? We shall wait and see.

Similar allegations against the couple is not new. There's a long history in the Blogsphere about similar allegations, usually reporting how Stedman cheats on Oprah, and not how Oprah cheats on Stedman.

In the end, we shall never know. After all, these have been and will continue to be allegations of a very famous and influential woman, and her man (men).

1) From "Stedman Betrays Oprah"
2) From Mark Pasetsky's Cover Awards. Your Daily Dose of Celebrity, Politics and Media. "National Enquirer says "Oprah Betrays Stedman."
3) From "Stedman selling Oprah's secrets?"
4) From PopBytes. "Did Oprah Betray Stedman?"

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